
How to enjoy parenting…even when things aren’t going right

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Parents all around the world have been stretched to breaking point lately; extra pressures like coronavirus anxiety, lockdown and home-schooling has mounted on unprecedented unnecessary stress. Parenting is suddenly more of a challenge than it ever was before. So, how can we enjoy parenting as we juggle and struggle our daily duties as cleaner/chef/teacher/nurse/actress/secretary to our children, as well as maintain and excel in our actual day jobs (the job we actually get paid money for)?

Below you will find 5 ways to enjoy parenting – even when the going gets tough.

1. Cherish the simple heart-warming moments

At the end of the day, find just two things which touched your heart and cherish it by storing it in your mental keep safe or writing this in a grateful journal. Moments to cherish could be as simple as when your 2 year old son tasted a lemon but spat it out with the cutest crinkled face, or when your 8 year old daughter gave you a reassuring cuddle after you stubbed your toe. These simple priceless moments are worth focusing on and can make the craziest day feel like it was worth grinding through.

2. Find a few minutes for yourself every day

Some days finding even 2 minutes to yourself seems impossible, but scheduling some ‘me time’ daily is indispensable to keeping your sanity. ‘Me time’ doesn’t need to be anything lavish and can be simple activities like: listening to your favourite song whilst cooking, reading a chapter of your favourite book, and even spending 2 minutes brushing your hair or just shaving your legs. Doing something just for yourself is not to be underestimated as many of us lose ourselves as roles as parents.

3. Give up on helicopter parenting

We might want to try and fill up our children’s day with activities after activities, because logically the busier they are the more they will learn and thrive right? It is very normal to feel the need to control your child’s learning and play, but it may cause the opposite effect and cause more anxiety than necessary. Studies have shown that a decline of free play is linked to increased depression, anxiety and other negative effects in kids. In addition, free play is paramount for learning decision making, problem solving and self-control. The trial and error of free play may teach children more about life’s trial and error nature. Letting your child have fun whilst learning will be more productive and healthy for them in the long run. Less stress for everyone!

4. Remember how time flies…

We can get caught up on the present moment sometimes and forget how quickly things change with our children. Think back to when your child was a new-born or a toddler, and think about how things have changed since then. Yes, those two hourly feeds and diaper changes are now replaced with temper tantrums and attitude, but these phases do not last forever. Children grow and develop so quickly, those temper tantrums and 2 hourly night feeds eventually turn into fleeting moments and distant memories in our lives. Take things seriously but not too seriously. As awful as today might be, it will be pass and just be another far-flung echo in your photo album.

5. Call for support

Shove your parenting pride and guilt aside, pick up the phone to Granny/Auntie/friend and let them entertain your children for a short while whilst you get on with your work or grab some ‘me time’. Even though visitors are currently banned from lockdown restrictions, weekly video calls on Zoom or Google Meet can really make a difference to taking the pressure off. If you are struggling with squeezing in time to read a book with your children, ask their Gran to read them a bed time story on Zoom. Or if you can’t cram in time to help your daughter with algebra, ask their Auntie to help them online via Google Meet and consider hiring a tutor. You do not need to do it all: share the load!

So, there you go, 5 simple ways to get you on the right track to loving parenting again! If you are struggling with homeschooling during lockdown you might be interested in reading this: How to survive homeschooling during lockdown.

Do you have any tips you would like to share? Leave us a comment below !


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