
Can we really avoid pesticides by eating organic?

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On my journey to eating healthy, I switched to buying all organic produce to avoid pesticides and in the hope of reducing health risks commonly blamed on chemicals. Unfortunately, my weekly supermarket bill has doubled since buying organic! My poor bank balance has depleted horribly which has made me seriously question: Is it really worth buying organic? Or is it just a waste of money?

Can we avoid pesticides by eating organic?

This is the confusing part as there are differing opinions! Upon research, I found earlier studies proving organic food was better for our health and they were the best way to reduce our intake of pesticides. This 2013 study by Chenshung (Alex Lu) claims within just five days of substituting conventional to organic food in children, traces of pesticides disappeared from children’s urine. It also states even at trace level, pesticides were not good for us.

Whilst this recent 2019 article published by Harvard Health states: ‘there isn’t clear evidence that organic foods are healthier for people’. Despite there being some evidence to justify buying more expensive organic food, the health benefits were only marginal and the methodology of the study was questionable. A recently published book, “Resetting the Table: Straight Talk about the Food We Grow and Eat” by Robert Paarlberg supports this opinion. Robert Paarlberg quite bluntly advises: ‘Only eat organic? You’re paying too much, and it’s not worth it’.

How can we avoid pesticides?

90-95% of people who buy organic claim the reason why they buy organic is to avoid pesticides. But if recent studies show there is no clear supporting evidence that buying organic will reduce our pesticide intake then how can we avoid them?

Fortunately, there is a way where we can reduce our pesticides intake from a source where most scientists agree on. The Environment Working Group has published a list of fresh produce with the most pesticides and the lowest residue of pesticides found in 2020. We have collated this handy list for you below so you too can do your best to avoid those pesky pesticides (without breaking the bank).


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